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Selected Clips

Mashable: From a thrift store meltdown to TV stardom, Jack Innanen turns chaos into comedy


Mashable: With Strava, no one runs alone anymore. That's the problem.​​​​​​


Mashable: In the age of TikTok, the female gaze has lost all meaning


Mashable: Grief is complicated. Especially when it's on Instagram.


Mashable: How capitalism killed the social media of abundance


Mashable: Don't fall for the productivity aesthetic. It's a scam.


Mashable: Content moderation is changing how we speak — and dictating who gets heard


Mashable: Trauma memes are taking over the internet. Why that can be a good thing.


Mashable: Will eliminating quantitative popularity on Instagram actually make it safe for kids?


NPR: Freemasons Say They're Needed Now More Than Ever. So Why Are Their Ranks Dwindling?


NPR: Some Black Americans Buying Guns: 'I'd Rather Go To Trial Than Go To The Cemetery'


NPR: A Look Into The Wild Economy Of Tabletop Board Game Funding


MTV News: Facial Recognition Technology Is Taking Over Schools — And Students Aren't OK With It


MTV News: The Coronavirus Is Changing How Activists Fight


NPR: The Millennial Obsession With Self-Care


PHOENIX Magazine: Escape to Oceanside, California


PHOENIX Magazine: How Phoenix Became An Unlikely Hotbed of Galápagos Tortoise Breeding


PHOENIX Magazine: The Night the Lights Went Out in Bisbee

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